Federal Government Firearms Legislation and COVID UPDATE

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Federal Handgun Transfer Legislation – Dec.  2023 – update
In Dec. 2023, Bill C-21, received Royal Assent https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/cntrng-crm/frrms/c21-en.aspx and became law.  This is a follow up to the Oct. 21, 2022, announcement where the Canadian federal liberal government implemented regulations that severally restrict the future permanent transfer (buying, selling, inheriting, importing etc.) of all handguns in Canada.  Restricted rifles and shotgun transfers are NOT impacted.  Details are posted on the Federal Gov. website here: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/cntrng-crm/frrms/2022-rgltns-tmp-en.aspx
In summary, you can still take the restricted firearms safety course (CRFSC) and get a R-PAL (a PAL with Restricted privileges) and buy certain restricted firearms, but not HANDGUNS, (unless you meet VERY specific requirements as detailed in the regulations.  eg. Olympic level shooter for example).
Those licensed people that still have handguns registered in their name can continue to use and enjoy them and take them to the range to shoot.  So far, the federal government has not banned the temporary borrowing of handguns (which is possible IF you have a R-PAL and a willing lender).  And of course ANYONE can continue to shoot ANY firearm (including handguns) if they are under the direct and immediate supervision of a licensed person for that class of firearms.
Impact to our courses:  We expect that the demand for the restricted course will decline a bit, but not drop off completely as some people will still want the course to get a R-PAL for restricted rifles and shotguns, or they may need it for employment, or they want to be able to borrow a handgun etc., so we will continue to offer it, but less frequently and as demand warrants.
COVID 19 Update – Fall 2022 
COVID-19 protocols have relaxed since the peak. Masks are no longer required indoors for our “in-person” courses.  Participants are welcome to wear masks or not, at their discretion or choice.
We are accepting bookings for our future dated (planned) courses (just please know that they may get cancelled or re-scheduled subject to future COVID rules).  The only way to secure a spot for a course is to send us your information (via email or registration) and sending a deposit.  E-transfers are the easiest way to send a deposit and registration is the easiest way to send us your information.
The current COVID protocol requires all participants to “self screen” prior to attending the courses.  If you have questions or concerns, please ask.